?“多年師生情,今昔恨別離。滿堂祝福語,只贈學(xué)子行”。在這個畢業(yè)的季節(jié),深圳東方英文書院國際學(xué)校2013屆DP2畢業(yè)典禮于6月5日下午3點(diǎn)在音樂廳隆重舉行。書院院長陳偉,國際學(xué)校校長Akin, 我院各位領(lǐng)導(dǎo),全體教師以及DP2全體畢業(yè)生參加了此次典禮。/The DP2013 commencement exercise of Oriental English College International School was held on June 5 in the beautiful Music Hall. ?The occasion was graced by the President of OEC, Mr. Chen Wei, Director of Finance, Mr. Zhao, Principals from other departments, parents, teachers, and students.
典禮在雄壯的國歌聲中拉開了序幕。到場的所有師生首先共同欣賞了精心制作的畢業(yè)視頻,視頻再現(xiàn)了同學(xué)們在書院學(xué)習(xí)生活的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴,記錄了畢業(yè)生對書院、對老師的感恩與祝福。/PowerPoint Slides about the memorable moments of the graduates during their DP years kept the audience entertained until the MCs came on stage to invite all to rise for the national anthem, the commencement exercise then began.
DP協(xié)調(diào)員孫輝致歡迎詞,對即將告別書院、踏上新的人生征途的畢業(yè)生表示熱烈的祝賀!學(xué)院院長陳偉及國際學(xué)校校長Akin為畢業(yè)生一一頒發(fā)畢業(yè)證書以及撥穗儀式。隨后,校長Akin, 尊貴的演講嘉賓Mr. Dennis O’Brien,家長代表陳建超,畢業(yè)生代表劉建麟一一發(fā)表感言,祝愿畢業(yè)生前程似錦,祝愿書院的明天更加輝煌。/The DP Coordinator, Ms. Sun Hui, gave the welcome speech, expressing her warmest congratulations to the graduates that were about to embark on a new journey of life. President Chen Wei and Principal Akin conducted the diploma award ceremony for all the graduates. Principal Akin, the guest speaker, Mr. Dennis O'Brien, parents’ representative, Mr. Chen JianChao, and the Valedictorian for the graduating class, Liu JianLin, delivered encouraging and motivating speeches; sending their best wishes to all the graduates, and wished OECIS a brighter future.
后,隨著相機(jī)快門聲的響起,典禮在畢業(yè)生與老師家長們合影留念中落下了帷幕,所有的不舍、感激、祝福、憧憬和期盼都定格在了這一個個美好的瞬間。/Finally, with the click sound of the camera shutter, commencement 2013 came to an end. All of the sadness, gratitude, blessings, vision, and expectations were fixed in all these beautiful moments.
祝愿畢業(yè)生們帶著大家的祝福越飛越高、越飛越遠(yuǎn),創(chuàng)造屬于自己的燦爛人生;也祝愿書院前程似錦,再創(chuàng)輝煌!/We wish all the graduates a brilliant life, and OECIS greater achievements in the years to come.