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托業(yè) “家庭話題”常用詞匯短語及句型


1. “家庭話題”關(guān)鍵詞匯、短語和常用句型

2. 實例: Narrator:

Now first listen to a conversation about the family and say something about Brian‘s family.

Please Listen Carefully.

Lin: Brian, what‘s up? You look unhappy.

Brian: Oh, nothing particular, Lin. Just that I miss my family terribly.

Lin: Me too. How many people are there in your family?

Brian: Four. My parents, my elder sister and I.

Lin: What do they do?

Brian: My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse. My older sister studies in Beijing, and we email each other fairly often.

Lin: Are your parents strict with you?

Brian: Yes, I think so. When I was at home, I had to clean my own room, help with house chores, finish my homework before dinner time, get back home no later than 9:00 in the evening, and so no.

Lin: That‘s good for you. Do you get along well with your family?

Brian: Sure. I‘m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family. I love them.


You may begin to prepare your response after the beep.

[2 seconds beep]

Preparation time: 15 seconds

Response time: 45 seconds


Please begin speaking after the beep.

[2 seconds beep]

Suggested Answer:

There are four members in Brian‘s family, his father, his mother, the elder sister and him. His father works in a computer company, and his mother is a nurse in a hospital. His older sister studies in Beijing, and they get in touch with each other by email. His parents are strict with him. When he was at home, he had to clean his own room, help with house chores, finish his homework before dinner time and get back home before 9:00. In short, Brian lives in a strict yet loving family.



1. be strict with: 嚴厲的,嚴格的

2. house chores: 家務(wù)事,家務(wù)活

3. get along with: 進展(情況);生活地,(友好地)與……相處

4. get in touch with 保持聯(lián)系


這是兩名學(xué)生在討論家庭的一篇對話。這篇對話傳遞了三個信息。我們首先了解了Brian的家庭成員(Brian: Four. My parents, my elder sister and I.);其次,了解了Brian父母親的職業(yè) (My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse.),他的父親在一家計算機公司工作,母親是護士。后,我們從對話中得知,Brian的父母親對他要求很嚴格:Brian在家的時候,他得自己打掃房間,幫助父母做家務(wù)活,晚飯前必須做完家庭作業(yè),晚上九點之前必須回家。這些具體事例有力地證明了Brian的父母對他的嚴格要求。 我們不難看出Brian父母的良苦用心,希望Brian學(xué)習上養(yǎng)成良好的習慣,生活上鍛煉他自理的能力,要求他分擔家務(wù)。家長培養(yǎng)孩子長大成材,就得從小事抓起,溺愛孩子只會使孩子嬌生慣養(yǎng),依賴性強,事業(yè)上無所成就。這篇對話篇幅不長,卻體現(xiàn)了值得大家學(xué)習的一種家庭教育理念。

對話的語言口語化,流暢自然,句型表達地道,其中不乏我們可以模仿的好句子:1. Just that I miss my family terribly. 只是我很想家。2. Lin: Do you get along well with your family? Brian: Sure. I‘m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family. 你和家人相處得好嗎?當然,我非常幸運地生活在一個要求嚴格卻充滿愛心的家庭。

在討論“家庭”這類話題時,我們應(yīng)該盡量多掌握有關(guān)家庭的文化背景知識,家庭是社會的一個基本單位,理想的家庭會給家庭成員提供保護、安全、和溝通情感的機會。在不同的社會里,家庭結(jié)構(gòu),家庭成員的需要不盡相同?,F(xiàn)代社會流行的家庭模式主要有以下三種:1)核心家庭,the nuclear family —— two adults and their children, 即父母親和他們的孩子,這是一些國家流行的家庭模式。2)大家庭,an extended family, 由祖父母和其他親戚組成的一個大家族,這種模式在一些發(fā)展中國家和農(nóng)村非常盛行。3)單親家庭,a single-parent family,孩子與離異的父親或者母親生活,或者是未婚母親與子女。




