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與大家相對比較擅長的聽力、閱讀部分一樣,寫作部分也有著屬于它的規(guī)律和套路,而這樣的規(guī)律可以從往年真題中總結得出。本文中,朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師將帶各位烤鴨們對 2022 年雅思寫作的考情進行回顧分析。








1. 數(shù)據(jù)類圖表在小作文的考察中仍是主流,但圖畫題的考察不容小覷

在 2022 年的考試中,流程圖出現(xiàn)了 6 次,地圖出現(xiàn)了 7 次。所以,考生們千萬別抱著“如果遇到流程或者地圖,那我就重來”的僥幸心理了。幸運的是,難度系數(shù)不大。所以,烤鴨們一定要記得圖畫年年有的特點。所以,考生們在接下來的 2023 年的考試中,一定不要小覷圖畫題的威力。


The chart below shows the process of making soft cheese.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.



The flow chart illustrates the process of manufacturing soft cheese. The entire process consists of five stages. In the first step, milk, the primary raw ingredient required for cheese production, is mixed evenly with a proportionate amount of water. The mixture then undergoes the cooling process, which is held at the constant temperature of 5°C for two hours. As soon as the cooling phase is complete, salt is added to the cooled, diluted milk, before the mixture is left to ferment for two hours at the temperature of 35°C.

To rid the mixture of the excessive amount of water content present, evaporation kicks in where the intermediate product is then heated to 100°C for eight hours long, during which period water escapes in the form of steam. Afterwards, the dried resulting product is then subject to an eight-hour cooling process that takes place at 5°C. Finally, the filter is used to separate waste water – evidently by-product in the production process – from soft cheese.

To sum up, it’s important to note that there are varying requirements of the temperature and duration in each of stages involved in the manufacturing of soft cheese.

除了以上提到的流程圖和地圖題外,數(shù)據(jù)類圖表今年依舊延續(xù)著其主流考題地位。特別值得注意的是柱狀圖,達到了將近 1/3 的出題概率。所以,朗閣海外考試研究中心的老師建議:考生們在 2023 年的小作文的準備中,仍然應該以 bar chart 為核心,多寫多練。

2. 靜態(tài)圖的考察比率大幅度上升,不容小覷

2022年動態(tài)圖仍然占據(jù)了壓倒性的優(yōu)勢,靜態(tài)圖的考察比重大幅上升。對雅思寫作小作文相對比較了解的考生們都知道,動態(tài)圖的寫作相對更加容易,因為套路更強,數(shù)據(jù)的分析模式、寫作的句式更強。而靜態(tài)圖,不論是從數(shù)據(jù)分析上,還是句子表達上,難度系數(shù)都更大一些。這無疑,給了那些只準備動態(tài)表達方式的考生們重重一擊。所以,在接下來的考試中,考生們不僅要照常關注動態(tài)圖的數(shù)據(jù)分析和表達方式,對于靜態(tài)圖的數(shù)據(jù)分析和表達也要給予應有的關注。朗閣海外考試中心的老師建議:2023 年的雅思寫作考試勢必會延續(xù)此項趨勢。


The bar chart below shows the percentage of boys and girls in Australia who participated in various sports activities in 2000.



The bar chart depicts Australian children’s involvement in six types of sports activities in 2000.

It can be seen from the chart that there were substantial differences in the proportion of boys and girls in different sports. The greatest gender difference was in football, where the participation rate was almost 20 times higher in boys than in girls. (20% vs 1%). meanwhile, boys were more interested in basketball and tennis than girls. 12% of boys were keen on basketball while only 5% of girls liked this sport. Also 12% of participants in tennis were boys and only 8% were girls. However, netball and swimming were dominated by girls.13% of girls played netball after school while only 3% of girls took part in this sport. Similarly, swimming was an after-school recreation for 15% of girls compared with only 5% of boys. Interestingly, boys and girls participated almost equally in cricket, approximately more than 10% of both genders chose cricket as a leisure activity after school.

Overall, boys and girls in Australia had clearly different preference for afterschool sports activities and the overall participation rate was higher among boys than among girls.



1. 仍然以議論文為主,報告類文章出現(xiàn)頻率較去年有所提升

2022年的雅思考試中,report考察有6次。除此之外,絕大多數(shù)題目都是圍繞argumentation 辯論類的文章進行。所以說,辯證性思維能力是雅思寫作考察的重中之重,即分析一個現(xiàn)象帶來的利弊權衡,兩個對立觀點的討論,是否同意一個觀點或者態(tài)度,并說明原因。

更詳細來看, To what extent do you agree or disagree?這種類型的考察更是占到了半壁江山(26次,超過一半之多)。無論是argumentation中的哪一種類型,考生們都需要注意:1. 要有清晰的立場;2. 要給出切題的論點;3. 包含reasoning & exemplification在內的論證手法。


It is more important for the government to spend money on promoting the healthy lifestyle to prevent illness rather than on the treatment of people who are really ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Unprecedented emphasis nowadays is laid on healthy lifestyles which are conducive to keeping fit. However, once a person is seized by illness, prompt and effective treatment is indispensable. A healthy lifestyle is, therefore, equal in significance to timely medical treatment.

A healthy lifestyle is a key preventative strategy for ailments or severe illnesses. Once someone falls ill, he or she will suffer physically, psychologically and financially; meanwhile the financial burden of the government will surge in terms of medical subsidies. Consequently, the government should commit itself to promoting healthy lifestyles, which will enhance the wellbeing of the whole society. A typical example of this is that the government has allocated funds to equip each neighborhood and village with gymnastic equipment where people, regardless of their age, prefer to have body-building exercises. Similarly, the pandemic H1N1 which triggers panic is actually preventable and controllable so that the government adopts a range of feasible resolutions including public service advertisement, publicity campaigns to raise people’s health awareness and inform them of how to avoid getting infected.

Of equal importance is the government’s expenditure on medical care for those with genuine sickness. Although a variety of preventative measures have been taken, getting sick is somehow inevitable. However, medical care may seem extravagant and inaccessible for those who are money disadvantaged, in which case, government subsidy is needed urgently. Moreover, the government spending money on the treatment of those who do fall ill will undoubtedly enhance people’ sense of security as well as their overall sense of wellbeing so vital for social stability. Therefore, the government should take the initiative to helping those who are really ill in terms of financial support.

Expenditure on encouraging people to have a healthy lifestyle is by no means more important than that on offering financial support to those with real illness and the government should accordingly budget rational amount of money for both.

2. 話題上,類別不變,內容更具體化生活化



社會類話題 2022.12.24

What factor is the most important for building a perfect society? What should be done to achieve this goal?

教育類話題 2022.12.17
Some people think that there could be more benefits to society if more people
study business than history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

政府類話題 2022.03.26
The housing shortage in big cities can cause severe social consequences. Some
people think only government action can solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

工作類話題 2022.11.05
Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

環(huán)境類話題 2022.07.23
More and more people move from the countryside to big cities. Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages to the environment?

科技類話題 2022.09.24
Some people think that robots are very important to human’s future development, while others think they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. 類似題目重復出現(xiàn),舊題頻出,2016-2021老題年重復率高


Social media enable people to keep in touch with each other and learn about news events. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Many people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes to get news. Instead, they get news about the world from the Internet. Do you think it is positive or negative development?

More and more people are using computers and electronic devices to access information, so there is no need for printed books, magazines, and newspapers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?












  • (60-80)基礎信譽積累,可放心報讀
  • (81-90)良好信譽積累,可持續(xù)信賴
  • (91-100)充分信譽積累,推薦報讀


  • 100%
  • 57
  • 564