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一般來說,正確答案不會是直接聽到的數(shù)字,而往往是在意思上與這相同或相近,或換了一種表達方式,或要求對聽到的數(shù)字進行簡單的四則運算。做這類題時,聽清這些數(shù)字和它們之間的關(guān)系是解題的關(guān)鍵。這些數(shù)字之間的關(guān)系往往用"more/less, late/early, fast/slow, before/after"之類的形容詞、副詞或介詞短語來表示,多為時間題。


M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?

W: Well, the bus leaves here for the campus every two hours from 6:30 am But on weekends it starts half an hour later.

Q: When did the second bus leave on Saturday?

A) 7:30 B) 8:00 C) 8:30 D) 9:00

答案D)。這是一道較為復雜的轉(zhuǎn)換題??忌鷳牰畬υ捴械膃very two hours from 6:30和half an hour later兩處,同時還要細心,捕捉到問題中的the second bus和Saturday。


W:Have you heard about the air crash that occurred last Wednesday?

M:Yes The newspaper said six crew members and sixty four passengers were killed, and fifteen others were injured.

Q: How many people suffered in the air crash?

A) 85. B)70 C)64. D)31.



W:Sorry,Mr. Smith is not in May I have him return your call?

M:Yes, thank you I'm at 6330872…Sorry It's 6338720.

Q: What's the man's telephone number?

A) 6330872. B)6380372. C) 6338720. D)6338726.

這道題要注意的是電話號碼在口語中的讀法。6338720的常見的讀法是:six double three eight seven two zero (或o)。另外還要注意不要受干擾信息的影響,如本題中的6330872以及其后的話語停頓。


W: I'd like to make two reservations one Flight 651 for June 8th.

M: I'm sorry We've booked up on the 8th But we still have a few seats available on the 9th

Q: When does the man want to leave?

A) On the 6th of June B) On the 8th of June.

C) On the 9th of June D) On the 19th of June.

答案為(B)。與上一題類似,本題是考察考生抗干擾的能力。對話中干擾因素有Flight 651和the 9th兩個數(shù)詞??忌€要理解兩個詞:reservation意為"預定",而book up則指"訂完"。此外,還要熟悉日期的不同表達方法。



● 卷面線索

選項通常由(介詞+)地點名詞構(gòu)成,提問可分為兩種情況。第一種問對話發(fā)生在何處,選項的形式通常為表示方位的介詞(如in, at等)加上一個地點名詞構(gòu)成;第二種問的是方向,選項的形式通常為表示方向的介詞(如to, from, out of等)加上一個地點名詞或者只有地點名詞構(gòu)成。

● 解題要點:

(1) 首先要根據(jù)卷面線索判斷出試題的類型。對于第一種試題,要重點聽對話中的與特定地點有關(guān)的常用詞或詞組(即關(guān)鍵詞),例如聽到reserve,check in,check out,room之類的詞的話即可判斷對話是發(fā)生在旅館里,聽到size,color,pay,discount之類的詞即可判斷對話地點是在商店等。

(2) 與方向有關(guān)的詞和詞組并不多,所提出的問題在形式上也可能比較簡單,但是這類問題出現(xiàn)時,往往需要幾經(jīng)思考才能得出答案。在這類問題中,務必要注意錄音中的內(nèi)容細節(jié),不要單憑從對話中獲得的孤立信息來確定答案。建議在聽音的同時用筆在紙上畫一些草圖以幫助理解。



M:Good afternoon, This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center I'd like to speak to Mr. Adams, please.

W:Mr. Miller, my husband isn't at home I can give you his business phone if you'd like to call him at work.

Q:Where is Mr. Adams now?

A)At the Sun Valley. B) At the Health Center.

C) At home D) At Work.

答案D)。本題表面是很簡單,因為對話中有直接提示詞At work,它與D)項完全相同。此外,his business phone(他的辦公電話)也能給我們一定的提示。


M: I've just got back from the holiday you arranged for me, but I must tell you the hotel was really awful! It was miles from the sea. The food was awful too. The bedroom was dirty.

W: Sorry about that but it's not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility

Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

A) At the airport.  B) In a travel agency.

C) In a hotel D) At home

此題對話中雖有地點名詞出現(xiàn)(hotel),但明顯不是答案。本題考的是推理能力。根據(jù)hotel等關(guān)鍵詞,可推斷對話的話題與旅行有關(guān)。而從W的話中的arrange, contract等詞,可以判斷出這是一家旅行社(B)。本題說明,在聽對話時,要對關(guān)鍵詞特別注意,但又不能認為關(guān)鍵詞就是答案。


M:Now, Miss, do you feel all right now? What happened?

W:Yes, I'm fine now. I was just at the motorway I was driving along the main road when suddenly right before the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street I didn't see him until he hit me.

Q: Where was the car before it hit the woman?

A)In the side street. B) At the crossroads.

C) On the main road D) On the motorway.

本題屬于較為特殊的地點題,考生不僅要聽懂對話發(fā)生的地點,而且要能理解I met the car came out at the side street這句語法上有錯誤的話并推斷出在汽車撞上W之前,它正在the side street (A)中。其他選項在對話中都曾出現(xiàn)過,但它們都是描述W本人所在的位置,而非肇事車輛所處的位置。


W: I just stopped by at your office in the bank. They told me that you had quit where are you working now?

M: I am working for a lawyer now. The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.

Q: Where did the man work before?

A) In a court. B) On the farm.

C) In a bank. D) In a shop.

答案C)。此題的關(guān)鍵詞bank在對話中出現(xiàn)了兩次,考生不但可以從女士的話(…at your office in the bank, They told me that you had quit:),也可以從男士的回答(The pay is better than in the bank…)中得出本題的正確答案。而a lawyer 僅僅是一個難度不大的干擾詞,考生只要聽懂now這一詞就可以排B)D)兩項與本題對話明顯無關(guān)。



